It was family photo day on base with James' squadron so that families could have poses by the A-10's for Christmas cards or just family pictures. This was our first family venture altogether since Luke and Lily were born. I knew this was going to be my one and only chance for a family picture to get our as Christmas cards. The day was super windy and children complained of crackers taken away for time of pictures, but atleast the picture was taken and cards were send
Love the picture! I still can't believe how great you look just 8 weeks after giving birth to twins! Let me know if you need any help between now and New Years. Matthew has still the 2cd of January off.
Just got your Christmas card! Thanks so much. I'm so amazed you were able to get them mailed this year....Amanda is Super-Mom!
So happy new year from Korea. Do you need anything Korean?
Happy New Year! Just love the family pictures...I have mine up and everyone comments about how great you look and what a superwoman you are!
wow switchin' things up with the ol' blog i see. nice!
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